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Admission to Ph.D. Programme for the academic year 2015 University of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram |
Admission to Ph.D Programme 2015
University of Kerala
The last date of receipt of Application is August 31st, 2015 at 5:00 pm.
Online Application in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for the General Aptitude Test for determining eligibility for admission to Full-time/Part-time research leading to Ph.D Degree.
Date of Test: Will be announced in the website.
Scheme of the Test
The general aptitude test will be of three hours duration and will carry a maximum of 200 marks.
The test comprises of General Knowledge (40} Short answers (120} and an Essay (40 marks}. Post graduate level knowledge of the subject and aptitude for research are expected of the candidate.
Candidates can apply only in the subjects offered by the University and go in for specialization at a later stage, while choosing the topic of research for registration for Ph.D.
While applying for the Eligibility Test, the candidates should carefully choose the subject most suitable according to their qualifying P.G. Degree / choice or area of interest for doctoral research.
Candidates should apply online for the entrance test and send the hard copy of the application along with the required enclosures and fees to The Registrar, University of Kerala, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram. Be careful while entering the details. Details submitted once cannot be edited. All relevant documents proving qualification, teaching experience etc. should be send along with the application.
- Scanned copy of the photograph of the applicant [not more than the size of 40 KB].
- Scanned copy of the signature of the applicant [not more than the size of 40 KB].
- Only .jpg(small letter .jpg ) images are allowed.
- The cost of application form is Rs. 20/-. Entrance examination fee is Rs.1000/- for general candidates. For candidates belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, the fee for the test is Rs. 500/-. Rs 10/- service charge in case of DD.
- All remittances should be either through University Cash Counter/Friends counter, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of India or District Co-operative Bank drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Kerala, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
- Copies of Master's Degree Certificate and Mark List attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent along with the application. Candidates who have qualified from universities outside Kerala University should produce copy of Eligibility Certificate. Pass Memo will be issued only on submission of eligibility certificate even if qualified in the entrance test.
- Copy of relevant certificate in the case of SC/ST candidates attested by a Gazetted Officer(clearly shown with round seal) should be send along with the application.
- Candidates who have appeared for Master's Degree Examination and whose results are awaiting should send an attested copy of the Hall Ticket along with the application (Last semester / year only will be considered). The applicant should have scored a minimum of 55% [45% for SC/ST] in aggregate at the Qualifying exam[PG/BTech].
- If letter grades are assigned instead of marks at qualifying examination, the candidate must produce grade conversion certificate.
- Fee once paid will not be refunded.
- Incomplete application will be summarily rejected
Candidates should note that qualifying in the General Aptitude Test does not imply that they have been granted registration for research leading to Ph.D Degree by Research. Separate application should be made for registration. The verification of the eligibility conditions with reference to the recognition of their qualifying degree and compliance of other formalities will be taken up only when the candidate applies for registration.
The University reserves the right to reject any application for proper reasons adduced therewith.
For assistance contact at : academic.b1@gmail.com OR 0471 - 2386484
Candidates who have secured not less than 55% marks at the Master's Degree Examination are eligible to apply for the test.
Candidates belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes who hold Master's Degree in Science and Applied Science faculties with atleast 45% marks and Master's Degree in other faculties with 40% marks are eligible to apply for the test. Physically/Visually handicapped candidates are eligible for a relaxation of 5% marks.
Candidates who have appeared for Master's Degree Examination and whose result is still awaited may also apply for the test. However, such candidates will be considered eligible for admission to research leading to Ph.D Degree provided they pass the Master's Degree Examination with at least 55% marks and have been declared qualified in the test.
Candidates who have already qualified in the National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship or Lectureship of the UGC/CSIR or ICAR/GATE or ICMR JRF test or candidates who are selected for Fellowship by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment or the State level eligibility test conducted by the Kerala Government or who hold M.Phil. Degree by research and thesis in addition to a Master's Degree or its equivalent with not less than 55% marks are exempted from eligibility test.
Candidates with DBT-JRF are exempted from the Ph.D Entrance Test and they are permitted to register for research leading to Ph.D Degree in Biotechnology.
Candidates with DST-INSPIRE fellowship are exempted from Ph.D Entrance Test.
Candidates who have qualified {GPAT) are exempted from Ph.D Entrance test and are permitted to register for research leading to Ph.D Degree in Pharmacy.
Scientists/Ayurveda Doctors working in Pharmaceuticals/Hospitals/Research Centres owned by Government with 7 years experience and having 2 research papers published are exempted from the Ph.D Entrance Test.
Scientists/Engineers working in approved Research Laboratories either owned or managed by the Central/State Government or an Autonomous research Institution of National Status with seven years experience in the Grade Scientist/Engineer, having two research papers published in the recognized research journals of the concerned subject approved by the Board of Studies concerned, are exempted from the Ph.D Eligibility Test.
College teachers who have seven or more years of teaching experience are also exempted from the Eligibility Test. Candidates with DM/M.Ch Degree are exempted from appearing for the test.
Those who have qualified M.Phil in subjects other than the subjects in which he/she seeks registration for Ph.D would be required to qualify the Eligibility Test.
Candidates selected to the QIP (Quality-Improvement Programme} introduced by AICTE, for teachers of AICTE approved degree level Engineering Institutions are exempted from Ph.D Entrance Test.
Registration will be granted to the eligible candidates only if the concerned Supervising Teacher has vacant seats at the concerned research Centres.
Part-Time Ph.D registration shall be restricted to regular/permanent teachers of the Department and affiliated colleges of the University of Kerala in the concerned subjects.
Part-Time registration is also extended to teachers who are working in substantive vacancies in Government and Aided Colleges in the State of Kerala.
However, the facility of part-time Ph.D registration
- In library and Information Science is also extended to those who are working as Library Staff in the University of Kerala on regular basis with a minimum of 3 years experience if all other conditions are satisfied and
- In Management Studies is extended to those persons working in managerial position with a minimum of 3 years experience in Government and Public Sector undertakings provided all other conditions are satisfied.
The subjects offered are:
- Aquatic Biology and fisheries
- Arabic
- Archaeology
- Bio-chemistry(including Medical Bio-chemistry}
- Biotechnology( including Microbiology and Medical Microbiology}
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Commerce
- Communication and Journalism
- Computer Science
- Demography
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Sciences
- Futures Studies
- Geology
- German
- Hindi
- History
- English
- Management Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Law
- Library and Information Science
- Linguistics
- Malayalam
- Mathematics
- Music
- Optoelectronics
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Politics (including question from Public Administration}
- Psychology
- Russian
- Sanskrit
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Tamil
- Tourism
- Zoology
- Home Science - including question from :
- Food and Nutrition
- Family Resource Management
- Extension Education
- Geography
- Physical Education
- Social Work
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Architecture (inclusive of Town Planning)
- Basic Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Bio-chemistry, Microbiology)
- Medicine and Allied Specialties (Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Radiology, Public Health, Psychiatry and General Medicine)
- Surgery and Allied Specialties (Opthalmology, Orthopaedics and General aspects of Surgery).
- Nursing
- Pharmaceuticals Sciences
- Dentistry including questions from :
- Oral Pathology including Oral Anatomy and Oral Biology
- Orthodontics
- Pedodontics
- Oral Medicine & Radiology
- Periodontics
- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Prosthodontics
- Community Dentistry
- Ayurveda
- Homeopathy
www.research.keralauniversity.ac.in. from 5th August 2015.
Candidates should apply online and download the application and send it along with the necessary documents and fees to the Registrar by 31st August 2015 (5 p.m.). All relevant documents proving qualification and eligibility should be sent along with the application. Incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
- The cost of application form is Rs. 20/- and the fee for the test is Rs.1000/-. For candidates belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes the fee for the Test is 500/- (Rs. 10/- for one DD as service charge in case of DD). Applications can be downloaded after online registration from the website of Kerala University (Rs. 20/- for downloading charges).
- All remittances should be either through University Cash Counter or Demand Draft issued by the State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of India or the District Co-Operative Bank drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Kerala, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
- The downloaded application furnished for the examination should be accompanied by self addressed stamped and easily detachable envelope for sending the pass memo. In the absence of envelope, a fine of Rs 50/- will be charged.
- Copies of Master's Degree Certificate and Mark List attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent along with the downloaded application. A comprehensive marklist showing the exact percentage of marks secured or an equivalent certificate should be furnished. In case of grades awarded certificate showing percentage equivalency should be furnished.
- Candidates who have qualified from Universities outside Kerala University should produce copy of Eligibility Certificate.
- Pass Memo will be issued only on clearance of all the defects such as submission of eligibility certificate, DD fee, attestation etc. even if qualified in the entrance test. Candidates may exercise caution while filling the form online and may send all the required enclosures along with the application form.
- The photographs in the application and hall ticket should be attested by a Gazetted Officer and the name and designation of the Officer should be clearly shown.
- Copy of relevant certificate in the case of SC/ST candidates attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent along with the downloaded application. Recent community certificate (within 6 months) should be furnished.
- Candidates who have appeared for Master's Degree Examination and whose results are still awaited should send a copy of the Hall Ticket attested by Gazetted Officer along with the application. (Last semester/ Year only will be considered.)
- Fee once paid will not be refunded
- Physically handicapped candidates should contact the section (Ac. B1) with the relevant document to prove the disability on or before 31st Aug 2015.
The last date of receipt of Application is August 31st, 2015 at 5:00 pm.
Application received after the last date will be summarily rejected.
Candidates should note that qualifying in the General Aptitude Test does not automatically imply that they have been granted registration for research leading to Ph.D Degree by Research. Separate application should be made for registration. The verification of the eligibility conditions with reference to the recognition of their qualifying degree and compliance of other formalities will be taken up only when the candidate applies for registration.
Offline applications will be summarily rejected.
The University reserves the right to reject any application for proper reasons adduced therewith.
How to Apply for Admission to Ph.D. Programmes 2015 - 2016 : Click Here
Entrance Test for Registration of Ph.D Degree 2015 - Click Here
Source : www.keralauniversity.ac.in